
Extensions with metal holes This range of PTH extension boards is available in two combinations: standard and super. The standard 64 // 64 range is assembled with a DIN connector (front and back), and is supplied with ejector levers. The super version has a 96 // 96 connector and is supplied with all standard extension pieces plus gold-plated wrapping terminals, a connection pad and a DIN logic analyser reverse connector. Height can be extended in multiples of 3U, thanks to the addition of an intermediate plate. Compatible with systems 160 and 220 mm deep. Voltage and current can be measured by a complete super version assembly or by simple division of the tracks and fitting of pins to allow the addition of connecting jumper switches. PC-VME 总线板 PC/VME 总线板 **PC 兼容原型板 原型板由符合 BS 4584 第 3 部分或第 16 部分的环氧玻璃材料制成。 卡厚 1.6 mm。 铜为 305 g/m (1 oz/ft)。 边缘连接器经过镀金处理,厚度为 1.5 微米。 1.0 mm (0.040 in.) 预钻直径孔,间距 2.54 mm (0.1 in.)。 微板样式 插件板上安装元件的一面均带有一个网眼式接地板,它通过消除开关尖脉冲来协助无低频干扰的高



说明Extensions with metal holes This range of PTH extension boards is available in two combinations: standard and super. The standard 64 // 64 range is assembled with a DIN connector (front and back), and is supplied with ejector levers. The super version has a 96 // 96 connector and is supplied with all standard extension pieces plus gold-plated wrapping terminals, a connection pad and a DIN logic analyser reverse connector. Height can be extended in multiples of 3U, thanks to the addition of an intermediate plate. Compatible with systems 160 and 220 mm deep. Voltage and current can be measured by a complete super version assembly or by simple division of the tracks and fitting of pins to allow the addition of connecting jumper switches. PC-VME 总线板 PC/VME 总线板 **PC 兼容原型板 原型板由符合 BS 4584 第 3 部分或第 16 部分的环氧玻璃材料制成。 卡厚 1.6 mm。 铜为 305 g/m (1 oz/ft)。 边缘连接器经过镀金处理,厚度为 1.5 微米。 1.0 mm (0.040 in.) 预钻直径孔,间距 2.54 mm (0.1 in.)。 微板样式 插件板上安装元件的一面均带有一个网眼式接地板,它通过消除开关尖脉冲来协助无低频干扰的高




